Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Let's bowl!

Hi Everyone!

We thought it was about time to come up with a next event for us in Support.
After all the hard work and happy announcements we found it was time for
some fun and celebrations (and some competitive spirit too!)

This is why we have decided to organize a Bowling event.
It will be held on Saturday 30th May and will start at 19.45.

This is also a great opportunity to meet our new colleagues from Enteractive outside work.

We will be split into teams and each team will decide about their Team name.
Each team will play 2 games and then the two best teams will play
in a final for the title of Betsson Bowling Champion!

We will have some finger food and 2 drinks each on the night and some nice prizes too!

We will announce the Teams soon!

Date: 30th May
Venue: Eden Bowling (opposite Eden Cinema)
Time: 19:45 (please be punctual as the game will start without you)

If for any reason you cannot attend please let us know by 26th May as this is the
deadline to confirm the amount of food.

We will provide a cab for our colleagues who are working that evening
to join us at least for drinks and a cheer.

The Entertainment Committee wishes all of you a wonderful day!
„Agnieszka, Debbie, Franzi, Laszlo, Jelena, Ingela and Josefin“

Feel like joining our group on Facebook? Go ahead

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sunday 29th March

There we all were, waiting to get into the bus. Well all, most of us, because of course some people were late. We were thinking we should have told them to gather up at 11.30 so we could actually leave at 12.00 but we thought: nahhh they are all responsible people (NOT!) The fact that the hour changed did not help much... Eventually after I don’t know how many cigarettes, we finally left, heading to Mosta.

Our bus driver Tony had some “nice” music and the trip started. Tony also had a microphone (that is he had one which doesn't mean it worked!) and Jelena was explaining about the day and where we are going. First question came up, Lasse: Do we get any snacks?” Jelena: “Well yes, we have some juices and sandwiches for the picnic”. Lasse: “I mean SNACKS, you know, like beer ;)”. We assured them that when we get to Mosta there will be some bars where everyone could buy a drink.

Arriving at Mosta, we all stared at the main attraction. This time, not the Mosta dome, but Ingela, telling us a bit about the Mosta dome. Unfortunately (or not) the Dome was closed, so after 5 minutes, everybody ran towards the bar, apparently very thirsty.

15 minutes later we managed to all go on the bus, everyone packed with all healthy juices and water (hehe, who would believe that)? Next stop: Crafts village. Arriving at Crafs villiage Laszlo told us something about it. Laszlo: “Well guys this is the very nice Crafs villiage, where you can buy nice Maltese crafts works”. As you can see it is closed.”. Nice, another closed thing, we need more drinks!!

So as we are heading to the stadium, we could not believe it, there was one crafts shop open. Guys look, there is one open. Jelena: “Look, this one is open, we can go in and have a look, they make nice things from Maltese stone. Facial expressions and the silence said enough, guess not, let’s go. Luckily the bus driver came with the great idea of passing by the Aviation museum which would most likely be open. Arriving there, we saw someone and our very nice bus driver went out to ask if they were open. Full excitement when he came back: Yes, they are open, and I arranged a special price for you guys, now it is only 3,50 instead of 5 euro! Again, silence. Jelena:” Hmmm I guess we are not that interested.” Bus driver: “But it is with discount!” Shall I go and try for 3,00 euro?” Again, silence. Jelena: “No, it is ok, I think we are not feeling very cultural today.”

After passing the stadium we headed towards Ta'Qali park to start our picnic. Yes, it did rain, but who cared, we had beer. At the park we had some nice sandwiches and juices (yes real juices this time). The guys decided to play a football match against some Maltese pro’s. Check out the videos on the Facebook group!!

We waited for Team leaders to arrive from Gozo so that we can all go to our next stop: Blue Grotto! However the weather was changable and Tony the driver said we will probably go for nothing as they won't be there with the boats. So we went to see Dingli Cliffs instead and Debbie told us a little bit about the evil souls that live in Filfla...Mwuahahahaha.....

From there we finally went to Mdina, where Jelena told us a bit about its history and the famous dungeons (also closed after 4 pm)....
We sat on the bastions and admired the view, then went to dinner at Ciapetti restaurant, a lovely place with Traditional Maltese food and ambiance.
We had a little quizz for the ones who were listening and we had a winner: Mona!!!! She won a 50 euro voucher (worth 100 euros) for a Spa treat in Palace hotel, as we have 50 % disount on their services.... Not bad huh? Enjoy it Mona!

After the wonderful dinner we had a couple of drinks (1 or 2 :) ) then went back to our "party bus", where DJ Tony was waiting with the special light effect and the perfect Sound system.

Thanks for participating, and see you on our next event!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Around MALTA!

The Entertainment Committee has spoken!

We are delighted to inform you about the FIRST SUPPORT EVENT organized by THE Entertainment Committee!

Are you ready for a day full of fun?
Then read on and make sure you keep a free space in your agenda!

We invite you for the first event organized by the recently appointed entertainment committee. It will be the start of many more great events to come. So don’t worry if you’re on shift, we will make sure you’ll be part of the next event!

WHAT? : A day out with support, including loads of fun, drinks, food, and great people! Visiting great places such as: Mosta, Ta Qali (Picnic),
Stadium, Crafts Village, Blue Grotto ( including VIP Boat Trip ), Dingli Cliffs and last but not least Mdina where we will end up filling ourselves with
yummy Maltese food and drinks.

WHO? : Everyone in support who are not on shift ( To our new colleagues – Don’t miss out this day. This is THE chance to get to know all of us)

WHEN? : Sunday 29th March from 12.00 to 20.00

WHERE? : Pick up will be from the office. Please make sure to be on time. We will leave at 12.00 pm!

SPECIAL: We will give out a prize at the end of the day worth 50 Euro!!! So make sure to participate in our little game.

!!! Please note the list on the Support Board ( which will be available later on tonight ). It is very important to mark your food choice as we will order everything in advance. We need to know LATEST by Thursday morning who wants to eat what.

Best Regards and see you Sunday!

Ingela, Laszlo, Debbie, Agnieszka, Franzi, Josefin and Jelena


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